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I have been living in Ottawa for over 10 years and have more than 7 years of experience in real estate investment and management. From buying my first primary residence to my first investment property, and then assisting VIP clients worldwide in property investment and management, I accumulated valuable firsthand experience long before officially becoming a professional real estate broker. In 2018, I obtained my real estate broker's license and became a full-time real estate agent, successfully helping numerous clients find homes, invest in properties in Ottawa, and earn positive reviews.

I can assure you that you will receive professional assistance from me. When representing buyers or sellers, I listen to my client's needs and employ keen negotiation skills to ensure a successful transaction.

I have in-depth knowledge of the Kanata, Barrhaven, Riverside South, Nepean, and Ottawa Downtown areas, and I am passionate about my work and eager to make my home your home. I look forward to working with you!


我在渥太华居住十多年,拥有地产投资管理超过 7 年的经验。从购买自己的第一套自住房,到第一套投资房,再到帮助跨国VIP客户投资管理房产,我在正式成为职业地产经纪之前就已经积累了丰富的一手经验。2018 年拿到地产经纪证书,正式成为全职地产经纪,我已经帮众多客人成功安家置业,在渥太华投资房产,并获得一众好评。这几年市场起起伏伏,我十分洞悉渥太华独特的市场走势,在理解和预测市场方面有自己独到的见解。


我对Kanata、Barrhaven、Stittsville, Riverside South、Nepean和Ottawa Downtown地区有着深刻的了解,我对我的工作充满热情,愿为您在加拿大安家置业助一臂之力。我期待与您合作!


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I am dedicated to supporting you at every stage. Whether you're interested in purchasing, selling, or seeking real estate guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to me. We're here to help.

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